PC Startup Master Download Setup File

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Free Download Smart PC Utilities PC Startup Master for Windows PC. It can significantly enhance your computer’s startup speed. It enables you to disable unnecessary components that run automatically during system startup, such as startup programs, Windows services, and scheduled tasks, which cause extra delay.

Overview of PC Startup Master

This software is designed to optimize and manage your PC’s startup process. It offers various features to improve startup speed, security, and overall performance by automatically controlling what programs and services launch when you boot up your computer.

Delayed Startup

Its Delayed Startup feature allows you to delay or even prevent startup apps from automatically starting unless certain conditions are met. This feature can help increase the computer’s startup speed by reducing performance overhead caused by many applications starting simultaneously.

Improve Security

Startup Guard is a security feature of this tool. It monitors the system startup configurations and notifies you when any changes are detected. Additionally, it can undo some of those changes. This feature enhances your computer’s security by preventing unsafe programs and malware from achieving persistence on your system.

All in One

In addition to managing and optimizing startup apps in various system locations, such as the Windows Registry and system startup folders, it offers advanced features to manage other startup components like Windows services and scheduled tasks, all from a single user interface. This will give users maximum control over the system startup process.

Advanced Options

This program offers a complete set of tools that you can use to configure and optimize your system startup settings. You can create, edit, disable, delete, and verify startup applications, services, and scheduled tasks. This level of customization allows you to tailor your startup process according to your specific needs and preferences.

System Requirements:

    • Operating System: Windows 11/10/8.1/
    • Processor: Minimum 1 GHz Processor (2.4 GHz recommended)
    • RAM: 2GB (4GB or more recommended)
    • Free Hard Disk Space: 200MB or more is recommended


PC Startup Master is a valuable tool for optimizing their computer’s startup speed and improving overall performance. Its intuitive interface and powerful features offer a comprehensive solution for managing startup programs, services, and tasks. By using this tool, you can take control of your system’s startup process and ensure that only essential programs and services are running, leading to a faster and more efficient computing experience

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